Under construction: New kybun Joya riding park

The construction project of the new kybun Joya riding park enters a new important phase for the cavalry club Egnach.
Implementation despite challenges
The uncertainties of the pandemic, the inflation as well as the tense situation in the material sector posed challenges to the project in the meantime. However, thanks to the commitment of the Egnach Cavalry Club and the investors, the project can be pushed ahead and realised despite all the circumstances.
The kybun Joya Riding Park
The history of the Müller family has been shaped by equestrian sports since the 16th century. The health shoe manufacturer from Roggwil acts as the main sponsor and supports the construction project of the new kybun Joya Riding Park - for which the managing directors themselves lent a hand and helped diligently on site.
Opening ceremony in autumn
The cavalry club Egnach is planning to open the new indoor riding arena and the sand arena with a celebration in late autumn this year.
We are looking forward to it!